Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

Today is April 22nd 2010, Earth Day. What are you doing today for earth day? I am doing what I do everyday, I protect the trees and the land that I have. It is small compared to some, only 28 acres, mostly wood land, large compared to others, but it is ours. It is our piece of the world, to enjoy because we protect it. We also nurse it along when it needs nourishment , we clean it up when it has been littered. This is why it can be enjoyed by us and those to come after us.

An example of piece of the earth.

What are you doing today on Earth Day?

1 comment:

  1. I realized that this blog was too short, I have not shared with you lately the goings on with all of the seeds that have been planted in the greenhouse. Well we have been fortunate to have 98 % of our planted seeds sprout. So to say the lest we have / had plenty of brussel sprouts, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce bowls, etc. We have also been fortunate enough to be able to share. We have given away many, many plants as well as planted many in our own gardens. K I believe may have planted 60 plus tomatoes as well as Greg and I. Planted many brussel sprouts and broccoli, peppers, etc. K and I just planted 40 plus pepper plants in the back field garden. We have 3 large garden plots, one is close to K and Tony's and Irene, One is in our front field and one is in our back field closer to the greenhouse. Other then Peppers in that garden we also have sweet corn, potatoes, green beans and squash. We planted those in the manner known as the three sisters. You mound up the dirt, plant your corn, once that is a few inches tall, you plant your beans so that they can grow up the corn stalks, and you plant your squash around the outside ring. It sounded like a great way to plant so we are giving it a tyr this year. I will give you a further update as well as pictures on Monday.

    Make it a great day.
